Tag Archive | thankful

Spirit of Christmas

The true spirit of Christmas is not parties, feasting or gift exchange. It’s giving, of your time, service or in other forms, without expecting anything in return.

Christmas is not just a date every year nor a mere festive season. It’s a precious opportunity to pause and reflect on the important things and people in our life. It is also a time to look back at a very eventful and challenging year of fighting an invisible but lethal enemy — the COVID-19 pandemic that has stirred up a chaotic global health storm and doesn’t seem to have abated — and still count our blessings and be thankful to all those who have sacrificed their time and service to make a difference.

To me, Christmas is gratitude for every little blessing, hope for a better year ahead, and being with my loved ones who truly matter to me. We didn’t even put up our family Christmas tree this year, because there are other more important things to be concerned about. But there’s still joy, peace and love within our family and that is what really matters.

So let’s celebrate Christmas in our hearts in this pandemic year, even if you can’t gather every family member or friend in person due to social distancing measures. Amidst our quiet celebrations, let’s remember those who have lost their lives in this pandemic and say a prayer for those still fighting the battle. Let’s join hands and hearts to shine a light of hope and love for those who have lost the joy and hope of Christmas.

Blessed Christmas, everyone! Stay safe and let’s look forward to a better year in 2021.